Jelliquarium jellyfish display tanks Midwater Systems medusa polyp ephyra tank
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Spraybar driven Ephyra, Explorer and P&E tanks create the specialized waterflow, called laminar, which sweeps up and creates the rotation that suspends its inhabitants.







Ephyra Tank keeps free-swimming organisms suspended. Its large rotation chamber is sepearated by a wide screened exit.




Ephyra Tank details

Explorer Tank details

P&E Combo details

Explorer Tank designed as an inexpensive starter jellyfish / seahorse grow-out tank.










Polyp & Ephyra Combo System ( P&E ) combines nursery,rotation and bio chambers into one tank.



 Multiple Explorer Tanks assembled as part of a large central system.

How To Keep Jellyfish in Aquariums by Chad Widmer

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Copyright  Midwater Systems 2005 -2012  *  Copyright Jelliquarium 2006 - 2012  *  Jelliquarium is a Registered Trademark  *  Jelliquarium Patent #7.610.878  *  All Rights Reserved